Sunday, January 1, 2012

Face the Unknown in Freefall

I have yet to read anything by Kristin Heitzmann that didn't fill me with wonder. She makes me want to crawl into a cozy place and not come out until the story is over. Then I spend the next few days reliving the tale in my mind.

She is the kind of author I long to be.

I recently read Freefall. This novel is set in Hawaii, and if you've never been there, you will most definitely want to after reading her breathtaking descriptions. It centers around a young lady who emerges from an accident with amnesia. Although these types of stories are not rare, I never felt as if I was reading "just another thriller." There is intrigue, danger, I have found true in every novel by Heitzmann, endearing characters who by their very struggles and brokenness make you want to cheer them on.

While she wraps her stories in Christ, her characters are real in their questions, their fears, and their hopes. What I mean is that even as a Christian, I still struggle with life here. My thoughts are not always pure, my reactions to situations not always holy, and my need to control often squeezes Christ out of the picture. Heitzmann gives us characters like this. We can believe them in the midst of the unlikely and fictional situations they find themselves in. And we come away with hope that should such circumstances befall us, we might in the end, still turn to the one true source of strength and peace.

I highly recommend Kristin Heitzmann's works, Freefall in particular today.

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